Examination Procedure

Examination Procedure


The methods of instruction and examinations is based on open learning & education system

Term end examination will be held as per scheme notified form time to time. Examination schedule is intimated in the admission letter so as to enable the students to plan accordingly for the examinations. Students can exercise the option to clear the papers in piece-meal whenever examination is held/requested. Being flexible examination system students is to re-appear for examination in each subject only in which he/she has failed.

Study material based periodical Assignments and Assignment for term end Examination are sent to students through Post/Couriers.

A student should submit the question papers along with answer sheets at the end of examination duration. The exam procedure will also be mailed to you. The examination procedure shall contain written instruction related to dates.

Examination charges applicable for re-examination and delay charges. Kindly note that these extra charges are not covered on course fees and are applicable only if instruction are not followed. Result shall be declared with in forty-five working days time in the form of mark sheet and certificate. In case of DMS students the certification shall be three parts consisting of marksheet, certification and appreciation letter in recognition of the project work undertaken successfully as part of course requirements. All marks sheets for semester pattern course shall be issued along with final certificate.

There are three modes of examinations. Students are required to opt for any one.

Center Examination: - the examination would be of three hour and the question paper would be totally based on the subjective & objective pattern. Examinations are also held at the authorized SIMTECH’s Examination centers throughout India subject to the availability of sufficient number of examinees at the given place.

Case study based postal Examination : - Institute has provision for Case study based postal term end examination also. Under this scheme, practical case study assignments are not sent to the students (under confidential cover) as per term end examination scheduled given in the admission letters. These are to be completed / answered and the response sheets returned to the institute within 12 days of the receipt. Students are advised to dispatch the response sheets to the institute by registered post/courier to ensure their timely receipt. At SIMTECH panel of experienced professors designs the question papers. Questions are designed in such a way that direct answers are not available in reference books. Answering examination questions demand high analytical and comprehension skills from the students. This ensures that the students are assessed fairly for their managerial skills. This unique methodology helps students to write best answered based on case studies and personal experience , a format similar to that of students to write best SIMTECHECH has designed this novel , liberal , rhetoric , education methodology that allows students to make maximum benefits in writing answer s to secure higher grades.

Online Based Case Study Examination:- Institute has provision for case study online examination also scheme, practical case study assignments sent to the students in their email-id as per term and examination schedule given in the admission letter. These are to be completed/answered and the response mail back to the institute within 10days of the mail delivery. At SIMTECH the panel of experienced professor designs the question papers. Questions are designed in such a way that direct answers not available in reference books. Answering examination questions demand high analytical and comprehension skill from the students. The ensures that the students are assessed fairly for their managerial skills. This unique methodology helps students to write best answers based on case studies and personal experience, a format similar to that of students in Ph. D. program. SIMTECH has designed this novel, liberal, rhetoric, education methodology that allows students to make maximum benefits in writing answers to secure higher grades.


Any student, who fails to qualify a given paper, can rewrite the same on payment of re-examination fees @500/- for each such paper. If a student fails to submit the response sheets of assignments of the term end examination of one or more subjects within the required period, he/she shall be treated as absent and shall have to appear for re-examination on payment of re-examination fee@500/- per subject. Re-examination is arranged within one month on receiving request from the student.

Self Assessment exercise

Self assessment exercises are given in the end of each chapter of the study material issued by the institute. Students are expected to exercise all statement for their self appraisal about the subject. These are not be sent to the institute.


Grading System





60% - 74.99%


50% - 59.99%

